Muharram Activity Pack !!!
New Hijri year is upon us. So let’s begin Muharram with a new activity pack to teach your children the virtue of this sacred month.
This activity pack of 28 pages includes:
- The story of Hijri Calendar
- The story of Prophet Musa PBUH (The destruction of Pharaoh and his army/ sea split) based on authentic sources.
- Virtue of ‘Ashura.
- Craft activities.
- Games (outdoor and indoor)
- Activities based on each story.
- Extra information.
Download Here for FREE (Color)
Download Here for FREE (Black and White)
Reference :
- https://ilmfeed.com/10-virtues-of-the-10th-of-muharram-day-of-ashura/
- https://seekersguidance.org/answers/general-counsel/virtues-of-the-sacred-month-of-muharram-its-first-ten-days-and-the-day-of-ashura/
- https://www.islamweb.net/en/article/155750/the-beginning-of-a-new-islamic-year
- https://www.islamweb.net/en/article/155744/the-significance-of-the-month-of-muharram